Friday, October 22, 2010

Lt. Dan Choi Reenlists In The US Military

Iraq War veteran Dan Choi, who was famously discharged from the US Military for being gay under the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, made his way to a Military recruitment center in NYC, NY yesterday and today to reenlist in the US Military now that a federal judge has struck down the Don’t Ask, Don’t [...]

Michael Lohan, the fame-hungry estranged ex-con father of Lindsay Lohan, is known for doing some pretty dumb things … his hypocrisy is entirely laughable and nothing that he says can ever be taken seriously. It’s common knowledge that Lohan has never met a camera that he didn’t like … he’s been know to offer his $0.02 on pretty much any subject, and his most notable favorite subjects are his daughter Lindsay and his ex-wife Dina Lohan. Today, Michael Lohan has issued an official statement to CNN that makes clear that he will no longer be issuing statements:

In recent weeks, Daddy Lohan has been doing everything possible to try and weasel his way into the Betty Ford Center so that he can get close to his rehabbing daughter Lindsay … who has made it very clear that she wants NOTHING to do with him at all. Foiled at every turn, Michael has been very free with his official statements on his daughter’s troubles … but no more. According to his latest statement, Michael Lohan will be offering no more statements about his daughter or his ex-wife. After the jump, read Michael Lohan‘s official statement about the end of his official statements …

“After serious thought and conversation last night, with someone who means alot [sic]to me. I am making this statement and fully intend on living by it.

With all due respect to those who have both gotten on my nerves for reporting things that weren’t true, ( as well as things that were), I want to make a public statement that I will not be commenting on ANYTHING relating to my daughter Lindsay, or ANYTHING my ex wife Dina, or any ‘sources’ related to her, might say.

After all the things said and the incidents which have transpired, I realize that no matter how wrong or right I may have been, at the end of the day, I was wrong for offending my ex wife and my children. Because of the spotlight and scrutiny we have been under, as well as my own “pride,” which has caused pain to my mother, (deceased father), brother, sisters and their sibling[s], I realize how my statements and actions have had a ripple effect on all of them. If it was me alone, it would be one thing, but I’m not. The things I have said and done, have cased hurt , pain and embarrassment for all of them.

That being said, I make this statement in humble supplication. And NO MATTER what accusations, lies or conjecture are disseminated to the public, about me, for the sake of the ones I love and with hope of creating peace, I WILL NOT respond , in ANY way, to what is said or done, to me.

MY family’s health and well being matters too much.

For the sake of those I offended, I apologize and ask their forgiveness. But even if they can’t find it in their heart to forgive, like I forgive them. I KNOW that God will have the last word and defend me in His own way.

So please refrain from from calling or contacting me.”

You’ll pardon me if I choose to not believe Michael Lohan‘s statement. Man, would I LOVE for him to keep his word and shut up forever … but, alas, I don’t believe it … not for a single second. What do y’all think? Is Michael Lohan actually capable of keeping his promise to never speak to the media again?

[Source, thanks Rachel]

Edouard Manet
Ellsworth Kelly
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Henri Lautrec
Richard Nixon

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